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BioCOPP welcomes submissions from members and the public for the News section.

To help you come up with an idea, we have listed some topics that are relevant and interesting for many of us designing, organising, and teaching in large biomolecular sciences modules:

  • Engagement monitoring and student analytics
  • Fighting anonymity and building a student community
  • Flipped learning
  • Group work
  • Optimising assessment
  • Reflecting student diversity
  • ...

We are looking for submissions focussing on “Here is what you can do based on what I have learned”.

Please keep your submission between 500 and 1000 words. Please send your submission in Microsoft Word or Open Document format to . If you wish to be credited, include a short bio (maximum 50 words) with optional photo at the bottom of your submission. If you prefer to stay anonymous, please let us know.